Welcome to DealerNerd.com
DealerNerd is a specialized automotive dealership information technology service that ensures efficient productivity with an array of IT services. We invite dealership personnel from all technical levels to use our management tools.

Costs are on the rise, talent is scarce
You have business challenges that need to be solved effectively—the acute pain of sudden technical needs or a nagging issue taking up valuable labor time. Use the chat to relay your problem; we will help you match it up with a product to explore.

One stop shop for all your IT Needs

Whether you are a Customer Facing Dealership Professional, Manager, or Principle, you need to consider our consulting services. Questions are free. We love projects.

Our apps are designed to help dealership professionals. Join our Beta Apps by signing up, testing them, and providing feedback.

The IT world uses the term as-a-service frequently. We provide many hardware and software as a service so you can focus on customers.

We test all products before recommending hardware to our customers and locating the best price—easy one-click shopping.
What our customers say about leadership Travis Mitchell, CTO
"His passion for learning is indicative of his growth mindset and creative thinking. Travis has reminded me that dedication to bettering one's self is still present during times when in business, employers seek to hire those who strive to excel."
His ability to think outside the box is so refreshing to see in the IT world. I would recommend him for any team looking for innovation in this ever changing world we live in. I might add that his ability to ask the right question, the right way in order to get the results he wants.... is uncanny.
"His knowledge of the automotive industry is second only to his technical knowledge of systems and processes that run successful businesses. Travis is my go-to-guy for my "dealer tech" questions and provides a truly unique perspective that is unmatched anywhere in the automotive business."
For days, The Voice Over IP system did not run and was shutting down access to their Application Server and Internet.
Install a temporary physical VoIP Network, Design, Install, and Program Network Cisco VoIP local server and telephone system. Help document the situation for contract breach.
The business was able to resume in a couple of weeks fully and exited the contract amicably.
Google G-Suite ended their Printing over the Web feature. Copier Scan Fax machines would no longer send mail.
I created a white list for a couple users to email from certain IP address and used device specific passwords.
Multifunction machines returned to normal without having to buy or rent an email server to provide port TLS SSL transactions.
Dealership had private WiFi and Customer WiFi, but needed to figure out which network to BOYD for their Sales and Service.
Create a third and fourth network for sales staff and technicians to print and carry out activities separate from private network
Zero outages and private information is contained.
Fiber line was cut during construction. A building on campus lost all Data Services.
Implement a Ubiquiti Air Fiber to restore connectivity.
The device was superior to fiber with less maintenance issues, switched to wireless for the remaining buildings and abandoned the fiber.
Download the National Initiative for Cybersecurity
Education from NIST
Download the latest NICE from NIST. Growing employees into Cyber Security Experts is the only way to defend against Cyber Criminals.
September Specials for Automotive Professionals
Cellular as a Service
Starting at $30 a month per phone
Verizon Network, New Apple Cellphone
iPhone shipped to you
Unlimited Talk, Text and Data
Pay with Venmo, CashApp, or Coinbase
36 Month Contract or Bring your own Verizon Network Device
Stop paying $100 a month for one phone
Cyber Security
$5 a month per computer
Custom made for your dealership or workplace
Endpoint Detection and Response
Active Breach Protection
Secure Internet and Email
12 Month Commitment
24/7 online support
Ubiquiti Quote
Get in touch for a free quote
Unifi Design Center is a great tool to establish your needs to upgrade your computer network.
Send your floor plan
Establish your desk locations
Locate optimum WiFi locations
Create your Online Order
Offer a quote to perform the install
Need clarification?
Are you going to replace my IT person?
No, we will support your staff, grow them, and help them communicate the best practices to staff and leadership. We aim to remove Managed Service Companies from dealerships that would prefer instant, onsite response and save a buck.
What do I do with a bad IT company?
The first problem with a bad IT company is it is hard to replace. You will need to hire someone to transition to in-house IT support. Start by hiring us to get you out and on your own. We offer training where you can qualify your department managers as "dangerous" but quickly solve their department needs.
Can we hire you to cover IT's Vacations?
Yes, we offer weekly remote telephone support to minimize costs and help in an emergency. Your IT person will be able to trust us with temporary users that can be removed upon their return. We understand the trust required to perform this service.
What if I am not a dealership?
We service Dealerships as a specialty. Our IT services perfect your current IT situation whether you service machines or provide services to customers. We are the best because we work with the most brutal, lowest margin Technical Space called Automotive. Our efficiencies can be yours.
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Do you like the idea but cannot commit as of right now, we understand. Contracts are designed to keep you from changing companies and reduce companies change in revenues. We will be here but please keep in touch.