Ubiquiti is a perfect Dealership Hero

Cisco is the most common network device found in dealerships, with more than 24 devices attached to a switch. The price tag is premium and works well for traffic loads. The new systems are set up in the cloud. Each machine is added to the cloud controller. The subscription rates of Cisco are pretty high.
When Chrysler introduced their new WiTech network, they used Juniper Devices running open source ddWRT, saving dealerships a fortune, and giving Chrysler complete control of their vehicle programming.
The new Chrysler MicroPod II required a more robust wifi network, so WiTech sought a system that balances performance, cost, and control. Chrysler started shipping Ubiquiti Gateways, 8-port switches with PoE, and Mesh Access Points by Ubiquiti.
Since the adoption of Chrysler, Ubiquiti has added to their Unifi Technology. They expanded their offerings to telephones, security cameras, and door access. The new Connect features for digital displays. Their engineers also created an all-in-one device for smaller dealerships. You can manage your group's DMZ switches with insane throuput to offload your main routers outside the interface if you have multiple dealerships.
We encourage companies and homes to order Unifi devices directly or from our used resources. We offer services to create and manage the systems. Few places price under retail due to the high demand for this brand. Consider yourself fortunate if you have a complete system.